Building Trust in the Computing Continuum

CASTOR Project

In a nutshell


CASTOR aims to redefine secure communication via establishing trusted path routing across the compute continuum.


CASTOR’s mission is to empower service providers with the tools and frameworks necessary to reliably fulfill the performance and security commitments made to their customers. By enhancing security assurance in key use cases, CASTOR fosters greater trust and reliability in service delivery.

CASTOR Project

Meet the Consortium

CASTOR brings together 17 partners, including major industrial players from the fields of computer technology and telecommunications, as well as academic institutions, research organizations, SMEs, and a non-profit organization.

“CASTOR brings together renowned partners from the industry and academia and gives us the possibility to shape the future development of secure networking with engrained trustworthiness in the service-graph-chain establishment. This can greatly benefit the lifecycle of various safety-critical application domains in the (B)5G era.”
“QUBITECH brings its novel photonic-holographic annealer to address CASTOR's Trusted Path Routing optimization challenges, providing hardware-based solutions that significantly contribute to the project's objectives” .
“NVIDIA has demonstrated a strong commitment to developing secure solutions, particularly in the realm of AI and cloud infrastructure. This commitment is also evident in their participation in the CASTOR project, where it will innovate with secure solutions towards enabling trusted path routing.”
University of Surrey
University of Surrey
“In CASTOR, the Surrey team will be seeking to build a trusted system, in which all devices and connections involved in data transactions are verified. We will develop and employ advanced cryptographic primitives for CASTOR to ensure security and privacy by design.”
Orange Romania
Orange Romania
“ORO will engage in CASTOR to support ongoing innovations in securing inter-domain, and multi-domain network communications, and to enable our long-standing academic partnership with TUIasi in developing beyond-State-of-the-Art Use-Cases in V2X”
"At TUIASI, we leverage our expertise in advanced telecommunications and information technologies within the CASTOR project. Our focus is on developing priority-based trusted messaging and scalable performance solutions for Connected Cars and Automated Mobility (CCAM) applications. By integrating a virtualized On-Board Unit (OBU) to simulate critical communication scenarios and evaluating CASTOR’s capabilities in a real 5G network, we aim to enhance the reliability and trustworthiness of V2X communications."
Collins Aerospace
Collins Aerospace
“Keeping our skies safe requires full confidence in the security of our data – where it comes from, where it goes and who can access it. Achieving this confidence on public and third-party infrastructure is what attracted us to the brave ambition of CASTOR.”
“ICCS, in line with its breakthrough research-and-innovation commitment, will leverage cutting-edge networking technology to realise the trusted-path routing primitive over diverse network domains contributing to the CASTOR vision for a trusted (B5G) compute continuum.”
"SUITE5 will bring forward its expertise on blockchain developments for the design and implementation of sophisticated smart contracts and a robust Blockchain Infrastructure to enable certifiability in CASTOR."
“CASTOR fosters collaboration between industry and academia, paving the way for innovative, trusted and secure solutions that will open new horizons for optimising the security lifecycle of critical applications in a multi-domain fashion. K3Y is committed to identify and analyse the requirements of CASTOR, while K3Y plays also a significant role in the last use case of the project, providing drone emulation services and executing relevant attack vectors that will be addressed by CASTOR.”
"WINGS leverages AI-driven trust quantification and adaptive orchestration to enable secure, efficient service delivery across the compute continuum, enhancing its vertical solutions with advanced trust-aware technologies."
“CASTOR will bring UMU the opportunity to explore integration of identity, privacy preserving techniques and trust in the context of interdomain solutions and the identification of trustworthy E2E connections on the Internet.”
Commsignia is committed to prepare its businesses and customers for the challenges of future V2X systems and enhancing the company’s products and services by exploiting CASTOR’s knowledge and experiences for designing cyber secure, resilient and reliable communications.
“In the scope of CASTOR, the UvA will leverage its expertise in the domain of design-space exploration and system optimization to develop optimization methods for trusted path selection, satisfying trust constraints as well as operational constraints like communication bandwidth, latency, etc.”

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